Sunday 18 August 2019

How to compile Angband on Windows

Step 1 - Clone the Angband git repository

Not necessary but allows you to make changes to Angband and submit those changes back to the main project

Step 2 - install MinGW

Step 3 - add latest commits to your cloned repository

If there have been updates to the main angband project since you cloned it you can add those commits to your clone as follows

Using powershell in the local angband directory run the following commands
git pull master
git commit
git push

NB if the git tags are not correctly updated try the following to pull the latest tags from the angband git and push them to the cloned repository
git pull --tags master
git push --tags

Step 4 - Compile Angband on Windows using MinGW

run msys.bat

In the mingw shell run the following commands
    cd to the local angband directory e.g. cd C:/Users/pdj10/Documents/_PROGRAMMING/AngbandPDJ102fork/angband
    ./configure --enable-win

Following build, to get the program to run, you need to copy the executable
from the src directory into the top-level dir, and copy 2 DLLs (libpng12.dll
and zlib1.dll) from src/win/dll to the top-level dir