Saturday 14 May 2016

Setting up RaspberryPi as an Internet accessible Linux server using SSH

Raspberry Pi Linux server (

Brief instructions fro setting up a raspberry pi using DDNS so you can logon remotely from the internet using an SSH key.

Following instructions assume you have installed Raspbian and are using the default username 'pi' and the dafult hostname 'raspberrypi'

Step 1 - enable SSH on raspberry pi

Enable SSH by either
a) Login and run sudo raspi-config and enable SSH; or
b) create a file called 'ssh' (no file extension) in the boot partition. This is handy approach if performing a headless setup
Create a file named 'SSH' to enble SSH

 Step 2 -  check SSH (and change default password)

Next check you can log in via SSH using a username and password from a client device on the same local network before setting up an SSH key.
On a windows PC you can use PuTTY to connect via SSH.
The default settings on the raspberrypi are:
  • Host Name: raspberrypi
  • Port: 22
  • Connection type: SSH
If you have not changed the default username and password login as
  • login as: pi
  • password: raspberrypi
Note you will likely getting the following warning message:
SSH is enabled and the default password for the 'pi' user has not been changed.
This is a security risk - please login as the 'pi' user and type 'passwd' to set a new password.

Change default password

This is really good advice. Change the default password before making your Raspberrypi accessible from the Internet. Do this even if you plan on disabling the use of  clear text passwords for SSH as one tiny mistake and you risk getting hacked.

 Step 3 - create SSH key 

Create an SSH public and private key for each client machine that you will be connecting from. The private key is used by the client to identify itself and the raspberrypi uses the public key to authenticate the client.

For a windows PC you can use PuTTY and its SSH Key Generator PuTTYgen to generate an SSH key

PuTTY Key Generator

Set a key passphrase to protect the private key and save both the public and prive key on the client machine

Step 4 - add the SSH public key to raspberrypi authorized_keys

Import the SSH public key into the user's authorized_keys file ~/.ssh/authorized_keys on the raspberry pi.
 There are a number of ways to do this, for example
  • use WinSCP to edit the SSH public key file ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
  • Copy and paste the public key into the file. The text should look something like

ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2E.....

NB if using PuTTY Key Generator copy the 'public key for pasting into the openSSH authorised keys file' not the saved public key

Step 5 - test SSH login

Test you can now remotely log in using the SSH key.

Step 6 - disable SSH login using clear text passwords

Now increase security by disabling the ability to log in using SSH clear text passwords and restricting which accounts can log in via SSH.

Firstly, create a backup copy of the default config file in case you mess up
sudo cp /etc/ssh/sshd_config /etc/ssh/sshd_config.original 

Edit the sshd_config file
sudo nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config

Make the following changes

#PasswordAuthentication yes
PasswordAuthentication no

Add the line
AllowUsers pi

Restart the SSH server for the changes to take effect
service ssh restart

Finally, check you can SSH connect using the cert and cannot SSH using a clear text password (username pi & password).

NB view the SSH log using journalctl -u ssh.service

 Step 7 - Create DDNS

Sign up to a DDNS service such as no-ip and register a DNS name for the raspberrypi

Step 8 - Enable DDNS on your router

Enable DDNS on your internet router so that if your IP address changes the DNS record will be updated with your new IP address. 
On my BT HomeHub the DDNS setting is under Settings > Advanced > Broadband > DDNS
Enter the DDNS details and confirm the connection to the DDNS serivce

Step 9 - Enable port forwarding for SSH

On your router enable port forward for SSH (port 22) to raspberrypi

Step 10 - Test ability to connect from the internet to RaspberryPi

Everything should now work and you should be able to connect to raspberrypi as user 'pi' using your DDNS hostname and your SSH private key and passphrase.